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Captain America Book Tag

I just happened to stumble upon this tag via Wendy @ Book Scents and since Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, is one of my favorite MCU characters I couldn't resist joining in!  Not to mention, I'm really excited for the release of Spider-Man: Homecoming in a couple of weeks.  On to the tag:

Steve Rogers/Captain America: a book with a big character transformation

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling - Neville Longbottom makes one of the biggest transformations of all!

Peggy Carter: a book with a strong female protagonist

Shades of Magic by Victoria Schwab - I'm going to have to go with Lila Bard, no question!

Bucky Barnes: a book with your ultimate BROTP

Shades of Magic by Victoria Schwab - Kell and Rhy Maresh, enough said!

Howling Commandos: a book with squad goals

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater - Who doesn't want to pal around with Blue and her Raven Boys?  By the way, that piece of Ronan fan art above is one of my favorites.

Red Skull: a book with a cliche plot

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard - Totally a combination of The Hunger Games and X-Men and uses plenty of standard YA tropes.

Natasha Romanoff: a book with a snarky side character

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell - So many great snarky moments in this!

Sam Wilson: a book with a friendship meet cute

Jackaby by William Ritter - R.F. Jackaby and Abigail Rook have a pretty great meet up!

Winter Soldier: a book with a great twist (plot twist or retelling)

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier - Hey, it's an oldie, but a goodie!

I’m Just A Kid from Brooklyn: a book with a memorable setting/character backstory

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch - Camorr really jumps off the page with everything from The Five Towers to The Cauldron!

Do You Two…. Fondue?: a book with a love triangle

The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare - I don't usually care for love triangles, but I really like what's between Will, Tessa, and Jem.

You’ve Been Asleep, Cap: a book you love with a dual timeline/time travel

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures - 10th Doctor Audio Originals - This audiobook is read by David Tennant and Catherine Tate and is an absolute must read for any Doctor Who fan!

Til The End Of The Line: a book with the OTP to end all OTPs

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater - Ronan and Adam 100%! By the way, this artist is my favorite for fan art from The Raven Cycle.

I Had A Date: a book with a cliffhanger

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins - The middle book in The Hunger Games trilogy has one crazy cliffhanger - still one of my favorites!

I Understood That Reference: a book with a pop culture reference

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline - Totally chock full of '80s references!

That was a lot of fun to put together, guys!  If anyone would like to join in, please feel free!


  1. Ooh you've nailed that book tag!!! Well done!!

  2. My son is a great fan of Spider Man. He'll be excited.

    1. It looks like it'll be a lot of fun! Thanks for coming over, Harvee!

  3. Ooh Captain america tag! Nice. Love your picks- Ready Player One lol. And Catching Fire- I STILL need to read the Hunger games books...

    1. You're missing out - THG is great! Book two is actually my favorite of the three. :)

  4. I LOVE this tag!!! Wonderful picks!

    1. It was a lot of fun to put together, Erica! :) Thanks for coming over!

  5. Great choices, I need to listen to the Doctor Who audio episodes. In November they are releasing some with 10 and Rose.

    1. I can't wait to get my hands on them! Thanks for coming over, Skye!

  6. I am trash at book tags. I can never think of anything. TTT is stressful enough for me. I like all the pictures and you came up with some great answers for this one.
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. It took me quite awhile to come up with all of these, so it was a bit of a challenge. :)
      Thanks for coming over, Sam!

  7. MUST PUT THIS TAG TOGETHER! :) Overall, Steve is my favorite superhero, so yeah. This tag and I would be besties. :)

    Despite its cliches, I'd like to read Red Queen, and Jackaby too! Both sound like interesting reads. Thanks for reminding me of this tag, Lauren. :)

    1. Woot! I'm looking forward to seeing your take on it!

      Red Queen isn't bad, it's just not that original. Jackaby on the other hand is soooo awesome! :)


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