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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’ve Decided I’m No Longer Interested In Reading

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish, which is now being hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  The rules are exactly the same as they were before - this week's topic is Books I’ve Decided I’m No Longer Interested In Reading.

Delirium (Delirium #1) by Lauren Oliver - I don't know, the whole dystopian world without love premise just doesn't sound that appealing anymore.

The Selection (The Selection #1) by Kiera Cass - I'm not even 100% sure why this was on my tbr to begin with since I've never been a fan of The Bachelor.

Nevermore (Nevermore #1) by Kelly Creagh - I like the sound of the Edgar Allan Poe element, but I'm getting Hush, Hush vibes from summary, and I don't think I want to do that again.

Where She Went (If I Stay #2) by Gayle Forman - I liked book one well enough, but a sequel just doesn't seem all that necessary.

Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman - This sounds like She's the Man which was pretty funny, but I just look at the cover and feel annoyed by that finger mustache... is that just me?

Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss #1) by Stephanie Perkins - After There's Someone Inside Your House, I don't think I'm interested in coming back for her contemporary romance.

The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold - The Lovely Bones is one of my favorites, but I have to admit that I'm pretty disheartened by all of the poor reviews I've seen for this novel.

The Rosie Project (Don Tillman #1) by Graeme Simsion - A few of my close friends have tried this and let's just say their feedback has turned me off of this.

Speaker for the Dead (Ender's Saga #2) by Orson Scott Card - I've always liked Ender's Game, but I anymore I'm just not interested in continuing on with the series.

Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1) by Veronica Rossi - This used to be pretty high on my tbr, but it just isn't anymore unfortunately - no particular reason.

Have you read any of these?  Do you recommend any of these that I should read?  Thanks as always for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I've heard REALLY good things about The Rosie Project, but for some reason it doesn't seem like my kind of read. Still plan on finishing the 'Selection' series (someday :D) and I would like to read Where She Went. Like you, I'm not sure a sequel was necessary, but I'm curious.

    Happy Top Ten Tuesday, Lauren!!

  2. OK. I think you will be sad if you miss the Rosie Project. Listen to it on audiobooks. It is so funny. (And different than you think.)

  3. I don't think you're missing much with The Selection series. I don't think it's up to much! Fab list. :-)

  4. I loved The Rosie Project and Anna and the French Kiss, but although I liked The Selection I didn't have the energy to carry on with the series (and I wished I hadn't carried on with Where She Went, because If I Stay works so much better as a standalone!)

    You can find my Top Ten Tuesday here.

    1. I agree about Where She Went. The book was fine, but If I Stay is a stronger book without it.

  5. I've heard good things about Stephanie Perkins but I wasn't wowed with Someone In Your House. And The Rosie Project I wanted to read at one time, it sounded cute, but I don't know, it just isn't a priority.

  6. I've finished several of these like Anna, Where She Went, The Selection, Delerium and enjoyed them but I can also see they are not everyones cup of tea. Under the never sky made my list! My Top Ten

    1. I've heard good things about some of them, but I don't think they're my style... oh, well.

      Thanks for sharing!

  7. The Selection and Delirium are on my list but I've not yet tried them. I wonder if I'd like them or if it's just too much of similar YA books in that genre.

  8. I've read the entire Delirium series only the first book was good, The Selection can barely call itself a Distopian. I read that whole series too, and dear baby jesus it was boring. And I hate all the characters. I read If I Stay, and I didn't really undedrstand why it had a sequel. I didn't think it needed one either. I haven't heard of the onther books on your list, other than AatFK but I never had interest in reading that one. Even less after hearing that it involves cheating.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  9. The Almost Moon was AWFUL. Don't read it, it was so depressing. I actually read Speaker for the Dead and the next one in the series, but then I stopped. There are at least 4 books and by that time it was getting old.

  10. Nice list! Nevermore does sound interesting. I might have to check it out someday. I agree. The cover of Babe in Boyland is weird. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  11. Under the NEver Sky was one of my favorite reads back in 2013, in my opinion, the ending was pretty strong as well.

    I LOVED Delirium when it first came out but the sequel got weird.

  12. For what it's worth, I'm not much of a romance reader and didn't have high hopes for The Rosie Project, but ended up really enjoying it!

  13. Great list! Where She Went made my list this week, too, I thought If I Stay was fine on its own. I really enjoyed Delirium but I wish Oliver hadn't written more, I hated Pandemonium and Requiem and I thought Delirium was far more powerful on its own.

  14. I have a funny story. For some reason I thought I had read The Selection and that I hated it. Any time I'd make a mental list of books I hated, it would be on it. I must have gotten it mixed up with another book because one day I wandered to Goodreads and discovered I had in fact not read it. I feel like this is a really strong omen, so I've stayed away.

    1. I expect it would be...

      Thanks for coming over, Alicia!

  15. I haven't read any of the books that made your list but some of them have been lingering on my tbr for years. I will probably not be reading The Selection though since it just doesn't appeal to me.

  16. I haven’t read any of these. But yes, I wanted to read Selection series and Anna and the French Kiss at some point. I am not sure though, when that time will come :P I even have physical copies of the Anna series and I heard really good things about that one.

    My TTT:

  17. Almost every book on this lost I have started and then DNFed, except I did force myself through the Delirium books. The selection, Nevermore, Anna, Under the never sky... all a DNF from me and I don't plan on reading them in the future either!


  18. I liked the Delirium series. I was not super happy with the very end, but it was good. I liked the Selection. The first 3 books were stronger than the last 2, but I still really enjoyed the series. Where She Went was better for me than If She Stayed. What can I say? I am a Forman fan. I was not as impressed with Anna as I thought I would be, but it was fun and cute. I have not read the other books, but it could happen. I absolutely adored The Rosie Project. Read both books.

  19. Wow some of these are such throwbacks! Yeah there was certainly a point where Nevermore, Anna and the French Kiss, and Under the Never Sky were all really high on my own TBR also. I think just new books coming out really pushed them back indefinitely. Honestly, the only one I might still get to is Under the Never Sky because I have it on my kindle and I've been trying to read through more books there.

    1. I feel you there - I hope you like Under the Never Sky if you get to it.

      Thanks for coming over, Sam. :)

  20. I agree with you about Where She Went. I thought the first book was good enough. Sometimes you just don’t need a second book.

  21. Aw darn, I LOVED The Rosie Project! It's definitely a very unique read though. :)

  22. Gah I read Nevermore and Delirium and honestly, you aren't missing out at all. But Speaker for the Dead! Ah! That's such a good book that's stuck with me since I read it almost a decade ago. Reconsider!
    Regardless, I loved this list. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Good to know - for both points. Thanks for coming over, Anna!

  23. Delirium used to be really high on my tbr list but its essentially gone now....I mean someday I might change my mind but at this point I don't think I'd be interested in it.

    As for The Selection, it wasn't that amazing in my opinion. I don't think you'd be missing out on much

    But Nevermore....thats one of my favourite books haha. I of course recommend it, but I'm also a fan of Hush Hush, which you imply you didn't like. I guess if you really hated Hush Hush, I'd recommend staying away from Nevermore, but if you ever decide to give the sort of I guess darker, paranormal YA romances a try, Nevermore is my number 1 recommendation.


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