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#BeatTheBacklist 2018 Reviews - Cold Days & Skin Game (The Dresden Files #14 & #15) by Jim Butcher

Happy Friday everyone!  Today, I'm sharing my first set of reviews for #BeatTheBacklist 2018, which is hosted by NovelKnight.  For this year long challenge, I'm catching up on backlist series titles that I've been meaning to read for ages (you can check out my TBR here).  The first two I tackled were the two most recent Dresden Files novels by Jim Butcher, both of which clock in right around the 600 page mark.  The series is one of my favorites and these two were awesome, as usual.  Read on to see my thoughts:

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The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher is one of my all time favorite series. I have no clue why I put off reading Cold Days for so long because it was an absolutely fantastic return to Harry's Chicago (and the Nevernever) - I actually had to give myself a bit of a refresher. Anyway, Harry and company have gone through some pretty major changes, but they're all in top form even if they've changed a bit along the way. As awesome as all the action, magic, sense of humor, and mystery are, the characters are totally what make this series and that's no different here - it's a pleasure to see how much everyone, especially Harry, has grown over the course of the series. In this case, Harry's taken on the mantle of the Winter Knight and the stakes have never been higher. After that gut-punch of an ending, it's time to jump into Skin Game! Here's to hoping Michael Carpenter will be back for the next round, and we'll get to see Maggie.

I read this novel from January 4 - 18, 2018 and my review is also on Goodreads.

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Harry Dresden has been hired for a heist - of the Holy Grail, no less, which is being held in Hades' vault. To make matters worse, that vault in the Underworld can only be reached by opening a Way through John Marcone's high-security vault. And, Harry has been hired against his will - Mab needed to pay off a debt. His new boss is Nicodemus Archelone and he'll be working with some of the worst of the worst, all for an equal cut of the take. But Harry has a sneaking suspicion that Nicodemus isn't going to let his crew get that far.

I'm finally all caught up on The Dresden Files! I have no idea why I put it off for so long because this were just as awesome as usual - and so much happens. I loved seeing Michael in top form again, with a little angelic boost. Butters also gets some of the coolest scenes since he's been working with Bob lately. Plus, we even get to see Maggie here and that was kind of wonderful. Finally, as for new characters, Goodman Grey totally stole the show. Yes, he is one of the villains Nicodemus hired for the heist, but he is hands down the most fascinating. Now, it's just a waiting game until book sixteen, Peace Talks will be released, and hopefully that's sooner rather than later. If you haven't tried this amazing series yet what are you waiting for, because it looks like you'll have plenty of time to catch up!

I read this book from January 21 - February 1, 2018 and my review is also on Goodreads.

Have you read this series?  If not, I highly recommend it!  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below.


  1. Oh! These sound so fun! I'll definitely have to check out the series sometime!!

  2. Yey! This is one of my all time favorite series. I know we've discussed it before, but I really need him to hurry up with releasing the next book in the series!! :D

  3. I keep meaning to finish this series, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I've read the first book years ago, but wasn't really able to get into the book. I think it had something to do with me watching the show that was made from that book first. I should go back in and re-read it. It's been long enough that I don't remember the show anymore. Or that first book either actually.

    1. It really takes off after book one, that's for sure! You should definitely dive back in. :)

  4. My son reads these. I think he just finished number five, or six. I was thinking about reading them because I loved the television show, but he doesn't think I will like them. 😛

    1. The show was actually quite a bit different, but you might like the books if you liked the show. :)


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