Sunday Funday: Mini Reviews - Golden Dragon (Code Black #1) & White Elephant (Code Black #2) by V.E. Ulett
Happy Sunday everyone! Today I'm sharing my thoughts on the Code Black series by V.E. Ulett . Book one is titled Golden Dragon and book two is named White Elephant . Thank you very much to Ryder Author Resources for providing me with an ecopy in exchange for my honest reviews. Read on to see my thoughts: ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ Miriam Kodio Blackwell is caught between East and West. When a Code Black arises she is recruited by Lord Q, head of British intelligence and airships, who helps Miriam escape Iran only to press her into service of the Crown. Will Miriam survive when she's put aboard the airship Nonesuch—with her captain, crew, and a Hell-Cat of fearsome reputation—and the assignment to rescue the niece of a Dutch ally taken captive in the South China Sea? [ Golden Dragon summary] To keep her place aboard the airship Nonesuch, Miriam must complete another mission for Lord Q — persuade the first white rajah ...