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Pride Month 2020 - Potential TBR

Happy Wednesday everyone!  As you may know, June is Pride Month and I've decided to celebrate the occasion by tackling some LGBTQIAP books this month. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to try them.  Here are some of my own books and library books I hope to read in June.  Which one should I read first?

Books I Own:

Wake of Vultures (The Shadow #1) by Lila Bowen - I just happened to stumble upon this one at a secondhand store and it sounds like it just might become a new favorite.

These Witches Don't Burn (These Witches Don't Burn #1) by Isabel Sterling -  I don't know about you, but this sounds cool.

The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo #1) by Rick Riordan - Riordan's one of my favorite authors and even though I'm not entirely caught up on all of the Heroes of Olympus series I still want to go ahead and jump into this series.

Wraeththu (Wraeththu #1-3) by Storm Constantine - I had never heard of this at all until I found it a Goodwill several months back, but it sounds like an epic bind up of the series.

The Gilded Wolves (The Gilded Wolves #1) by Roshani Chokshi - This will be my first novel by Chokshi and I'm really looking forward to trying her work for the first time.

Armistice (The Amberlough Dossier #2) by Lara Elena Donnelly - I loved book one and I can't wait to see where this goes.  Why have I been putting this one off for so long?

Library Books I'd Like To Borrow:

All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages by Saundra Mitchell - I've just recently read the follow up collection, and I think I'll have to try this one as well.

The Fever King (Feverwake #1) by Victoria Lee - I honestly don't have any excuse for putting this off and this seems like as good a times as any to give it a try.

Goldie Vance, Volume 1 by Hope Larson - I'm also reading this as a part of Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge and it looks like it will be delightful.

Pulp by Robin Talley - I really liked Music From Another World, so I'm really looking forward to trying more of her work.

Seven Ways We Lie by Riley Redgate - I've had this on my tbr for ages now and it's more than time I give it a try, especially since I learned the author went to a local Ohio college.

A Study in Honor (The Janet Watson Chronicles #1) by Claire O'Dell - I'm also reading this for Popsugar's Reading Challenge and I think it sounds like an awesome Holmesian retelleing.

Have you read any of these books?  What are you going to read this month?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I loved The Hidden Oracle! The Fever King is on my TBR too.

    1. Good to know you loved it! :)

      I hope we'll both enjoy The Fever King.

  2. New to e authors. Hope you enjoy them. Thanks for visiting my blog (a hot cup of pleasure) and leaving this link.


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