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Top Ten Tuesday: Things I Would Have Had At My Princess Bride Movie Party

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Things I’d Have At My Bookish Party (choose 10 things: items, accessories, foods, people (real or fictional), decorations, activities, etc.), but I'm doing something a bit different.  At my library this summer we're offering a truncated and primarily virtual or kit based Summer Reading Program given everything that's been going on. We were originally planning on holding a movie party for The Princess Bride since the theme this year is Imagine Your Story (Fairy Tales, Mythology, and Fantasy), so this week I'm featuring Things I Would Have At My Princess Bride Movie Party.  As it is now, we're going to be hosting a virtual watch party via Twitter.  Without further ado, here's what we would have had:

1. Inigo Montoya inspired name tags for guests

2. A Dread Pirate Roberts mask making station

3. A Princess Buttercup crown making station

4. A "Have Fun Storming the Castle" sign at the entrance to the event

5. An R.O.U.S. warning sign also at the entrance to the event.

6. Letters that spell out "As You Wish" on the floor leading into the room.

7. M.L.T. sandwiches (or in this particular case ham, lettuce, and tomato)

8. Lemonade with a warning label that the contents *may* contain Iocane Powder

9. Peanuts and Peanut M&Ms for Fezzik

10. Hershey Kisses for True Loves Kiss

What do you think?  Would you like to go to a themed movie party for The Princess Bride?  Now if only we could have made it happen.  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I love any kind of sandwich, haha. I like the mask-making station as well, I enjoyed making a mask last time I tried it!

  2. This sounds like a fantastic party. I need to watch Princess Bride, it's been a while since the last time I watched it.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  3. Those name tags are such a great idea!

    My TTT .

  4. This sounds like such a fun party!
    My TTT:

  5. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, I need this party! I want to come :D All these are great ideas!!!

  6. I would be there for the crown making station thank you!

  7. Um...I now want a Princess Bride movie party of my own.

  8. What a fun post! Those Inigo Montoya nametags are such a great idea.
    Here's my TTT list.

    1. I might have to make one for myself even though we aren't having it after all.

  9. Great list! I would 100% go to this party, this sounds so fun.

  10. This sounds fantastic. I would attend this party in a heartbeat. I hope you are all able to still do this once things settle down.

  11. I love ALL these ideas! How fun!! The Inigo Montoya name tags are excellent. :)

    1. I may have to make myself one for the virtual party. :)

  12. This is just fabulous! What a great list!

  13. A virtual watch party sounds like so much fun! I hope you enjoy this. A Princess Bride themed party sounds fabulous. Can I get one of those "Have Fun Storming the Castle" to hang outside my bookwyrm den?! xD

    1. I'm hoping it goes over well with our patrons because it could be so much fun! :)

  14. This sounds like such a fun party! I have to be honest and confess that I’ve never seen The Princess Bride (I know - shocking 🙈) and your list makes me want to rectify that! 😊

    1. Both it and the book are both excellent - you so need to try them. :)

  15. This looks like so much fun and the Twitter watch party sounds fun too.

    Have a good weekend!


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