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Blogger Recognition Award

I have been nominated by Escape Inside the Pages for the Blogger Recognition Award!  Thanks so much - this is such an honor! This Award was originally created by Eve @ Edge of Night - thanks to you as well for coming up with such a great idea for an award!

Here are the rules:

  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to. Do some digging if you must! Find those blogs. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.
  • Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two of advice to new bloggers. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog. List who you’ve nominated in the post.
    • Make sure to also attach the award itself! (You can do this by right-clicking, saving, and uploading the image above).
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them. Provide a link to the award post you created.
  • Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Night. That way, anyone can find the original guidelines and post if needed, and we can keep it from mutating and becoming confusing!
How I got started in the blogosphere:

I initially started this blog on August 12, 2014.  I had been wanting to start up a personal/ book blog for quite awhile but that was the day I finally made the jump.  I had worked on two blogs before, but neither were personal.  Those two were for school purposes.  The first was the class blog for a children's lit course back when I was a senior in college from 2010-2011 and the second acted as my practicum log as I was completing my master's degree in 2012.  I also got hooked on Goodreads around 2012 which I started by posting book reviews that I had written for various courses during my master's program.  I loved what blogging I had done and participating on Goodreads.  Eventually, I realized that I wanted to create my own blog which is where Always Me got it's start.  It has been quite a ride and I've enjoyed every second of carving out my own little piece of the internet and meeting lots of interesting people who love to read and talk about reading and their other geeky hobbies as much as I do.  

Tips for other bloggers:
  • Don't be afraid to talk about what you like and always let your own voice come through.  
  • Read widely and push your boundaries.
  • Don't pigeon hole yourself.
  • Explore and make friends with fellow bloggers.
  • Have fun!

My nominations:


  1. Thank you so much for the nomination, Lauren! I think Goodreads was my first foray into the bookish community online too which eventually led me to blogging.

  2. Awww, thanks for the nomination!! *showers us both with confetti and dances*
    BLOGGING IS SO INCREDIBLE. I don't even know where I'd be without my little corner of the internet to flail and rant and gif and dance about in. XD And I really love how nice the book blogging community is too. Zomg. LOVE IT ALL.

    1. You're very welcome! It's one of the best things - where else would we get to do all this. :)

  3. Congratulations!!! :) And thank you so much for the nomination!! *hugs*

    I completely agree with you that one of the best things about blogging about books is not only do we get to fangirl over the awesome books that we've read but we also get to find and connect with other fellow book lovers over the world wide web.

  4. Congrats on the nomination Lauren (it's well deserved!) and thank you for mine :) it's so much fun talking to other bloggers/ book nerds so I look forward to doing more of it with you in the future! Thanks again *virtual hug*

    1. You're welcome! Being able to chat with others from around the world is one of the best parts!

  5. Aw, thank you SO much for nominating me :) I love your advice too- the best part of blogging, hands down, is getting to meet other people who love the same stuff you do. And the book blogging community is kind of the best!

    Oh- and Goodreads sucked me into blogging as well, it's like a gateway drug ;)

    (Oh, and sorry for the deleted post- I was a nerd and accidentally copied and pasted the wrong thing- basically NOT my signature hahahha sorry!)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. Yes, it is! By far one of the best ways to get involved.

  6. Wonderful tips!! Letting your personalty shine though your writing is definitely key! When I first started blogging, I took on a weirdly professional persona...but I quickly realized the more "real" me was much more interesting! :)


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