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Sci-Fi Month 2023 - Top Ten Tuesday: Breaking News

Happy Tuesday everyone!  For today's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, in honor of Sci-Fi Month which is hosted by Lisa @ Dear Geek Place and Imyril @ One More (Image credit: Artwork by Yosua Bungaran Cahya Putra), my list is going to take advantage of the Sci-Fi Month Challenge.  Today's prompt of Breaking News lines up perfectly with the TTT prompt of Book Titles That Would Make Great Newspaper Headlines.  Without further ado, here are some great sci-fi titles that would make me want to read a newspaper article:

Have you read any of these stories?  Are you taking part in Sci-Fi Month this year?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is popping up on a few lists today! Great job combining TTT with Sci-Fi Month.

  2. Ooo! You found some great ones. Some of these REALLY fit well and would definitely be attention grabbing, too! Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

  3. All Those explosions is awesome. :) And Kaiju Preservation Society - I mean, wouldn't it be cool if there WERE kaiju? Although, maybe without all the property damage and casualties...

  4. Oh so cool, why on earth didn't I think of combining TTT and scifimonth! Well done, great choices

  5. That first one is so awesome! I love it. :D And I love that you went with all science fiction titles. What a great idea. Thanks for commenting on my blog earlier. :D

  6. That first one had me laughing out loud. The President's Brain is missing is pretty funny as well. These are all so great!

    1. They're definitely all worth reading. Thanks, Alicia!

  7. I think when Trump was President I wouldn't have been surprised to see a headline about his brain being messing. Ha!

  8. The first one and The Regional Offices are Under Attack are the best!

  9. Awesome! The first one is especially great and I couldn't help but laugh at THE PRESIDENT'S BRAIN IS MISSING. I can see all of these as newspaper headlines, especially for editorials.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  10. The President's Brain is Missing sounds political and so interesting


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