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Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Things I Love About The Enola Holmes Series


Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday which is is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Ten Things I Love About X.  I've decided to feature a series I don't talk about enough around here - the Enola Holmes series by Nancy Springer.  I started reading this nine book series (and one novella) after watching the first movie adaptation on Netflix which I got a real kick out of.  They're a bit different from each other, but both the book series and the movie series has been a ton of fun.  I'm really looking forward to the third movie and I wouldn't say no to more of the novels either.





1. Fun and engaging stories 

2. Charming characters with growth

3. Attitude and rebelliousness

4. Refreshing voice

5. Classic retelling of a favorite

6. World-building style 

7. Victorian era setting 

8. Historical mysteries

9. Surprising twists

10. Clever and empowering for the reader

Have you read the book series or watched the movie series?  What are some of your favorite things about them?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I haven't read or watched the series, but the series is on my watchlist! haha

  2. I've seen this TV show around and it seems great. Here is my post

    1. The movies are a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I've only read the first book in the series, and I absolutely loved it. I have also enjoyed both movies on Netflix. I didn't know there was a 3rd in the works. Yay!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Yay! I'm glad you've liked them. There's supposed to be a third one and I hope it happens!

  4. I cant believe I've never watched or read this yet! You've definitely convinced me I need to😁

  5. I really enjoyed the film adaptions but I've never read the books!

  6. I feel so bad that I'm actually not familiar with the books or the adaptations! Definitely love books with a touch of rebellion though.

  7. I have only had the pleasure of watching the movies, but they were so much fun I have no doubt the books are the same.

  8. I hadn't realised there were so many of these! I really want to give the series a try at some point.


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