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Sleeping Giants (Themis Files #1) by Sylvain Neuvel - Review

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Rose is riding her brand new bike near her home in Deadwood, South Dakota when she falls into a square hole lit up with intricate carvings. When the firemen rescue her, they realize something even weirder - that the girl landed in the palm of a giant metal hand. Years later, the mystery surrounding it remains unsolved - none of the reports make any sense. All they have are rumors and theories. Now, seventeen years later Rose is a top physicist leading a team to figure it all out and they are on the edge of a real breakthrough and discovering what it all means for humanity.

Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel is a fantastic debut novel. I loved following Rose and her team's journey to figure out the mystery involving the hand and the subsequently found pieces. Honestly, I love the plot and getting to know the cast. Usually, I love stories that are a told in another format, so I was expecting to enjoy that about this novel, but I felt too disconnected from characters and events to rate this a full five stars. Plus, I wish we had a better sense of how much time passes between interviews. All that being said, I really wanted to know more about our interviewer, who has a very Agent Smith vibe!

Overall, I highly recommend reading Sylvain Neuvel's debut novel, Sleeping Giants! If you also love The Iron Giant, Fringe, Power Rangers, Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, and The Fold by Peter Clines, you will most likely enjoy this story as well. I can't wait until the release of book two, titled Waking Gods, especially after that ending!

I read this novel from June 4 - June 8, 2016 and my review is also on Goodreads.


  1. Hi Lauren! I've listed this novel on my TBR list a couple of weeks ago. Looking forward to getting my hands on it and reading. Nice review!

  2. This book sounds amazing. I should look for it. :)

    1. If you pick it up, I hope you'll enjoy it! Happy reading!

  3. Sounds good, and I love the title!

    1. I bet you'd love the story!

      Thanks for visiting my blog, Skye!

  4. I forgot about The Iron Giant! Great review, this looks like a good one!

    1. The book really makes me want to rewatch it! Thanks, Erin!

  5. This sounds really good! I keep seeing it here and there.

    THE IRON GIANT!! Love that gif. That movie is so underrated.

    Great review!

  6. Ooh, I'll have to check this one out, especially since you liked it so much!

  7. I've seen this book around, but your the first one I've seen to review it! I'm glad to hear you liked it! Anything that gives off a Agent Smith vibe is something I'm up for. :D I had no idea that the book was told in interviews. I'll be adding this to my TBR. Great review Lauren! You sold me!

    1. So am I! Yeah, it's primarily told that way as well as other sorts of transcripts.

      Glad to hear it! Thanks, Genni!

  8. I really enjoyed this too, and good point, the interviewer is so mysterious! I hope we get to know more about him in the next book.


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