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Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Adult Sci-Fi And Fantasy Releases For The Second Half Of The Year

Happy Tuesday and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's theme is Most Anticipated Releases For the Second Half Of The Year and since I recently posted about up coming Summer YA releases for Beach Reads Week, I thought I would focus more specifically upon upcoming adult sci-fi and fantasy releases.

The Dark Side by Anthony O'Neill (June 28) - All I needed to hear was sci-fi noir on the moon!

Heroine Complex by Sarah Kuhn (July 5) - The assistant to a beloved superheroine realizes that she also has powers and has to become a superheroine herself or see her city fall to a demonic invasion.  The blurb includes the phrase: "murderous cupcakes, nosy gossip bloggers, and supernatural karaoke battles".  It sounds perfect!

Underground Airlines by Ben H. Winters (July 5) - Alternate timeline where things like social networking, smartphones, and Happy Meals exist, but the Civil War never happened and slavery still exists.

The Waking Fire (The Draconis Memoria #1) by Anthony Ryan (July 7) - Epic fantasy with a dash of steampunk where the blood of drakes (like dragons) can grant great power when distilled into elixirs.  Oh my gosh!

Nightshades by Melissa F. Olson (July 19) - Look at the tagline for this new urban fantasy novel: "The Chicago FBI needs fresh blood.  So do the vampires."  I've always had a soft spot for vampires.

Red Right Hand (Red Right Hand #1) by Levi Black (July 26) - Dark Lovecraftian horror-fantasy?  Sounds good to me!

Ghost Talkers by Mary Robinette Kowal (August 16) - Mediums using the deceased to gather intelligence and for communications during WWI - I need it!

Everfair by Nisi Shawl (September 6) - Inspiring alternate history/ steampunk set in the Belgian Congo - sounds wonderful!

The Last Days of New Paris by China Mieville (August 9) - Weaponized dream logic used in an alternate WWII - I can't wait!

The Queen of Blood by Sarah Beth Durst (September 20) - Features nature spirits who want to wipe out humanity with only one magically gifted woman standing between them to prevent the death of every human being on the face of the earth.  YES!

What books are you looking forward to for the second half of this year?  I know I only covered through September, but in my defense there are so many fantastic sounding adult sci-fi and fantasy books coming out this summer!


  1. I'm not familiar with many of these books. I hope you enjoy them though. :-)

  2. The Dark side is new to me but yeah, with a description like that- may have to get that one. :) And The Waking Fire I'm definitely looking forward to. Sounds fun!

    1. I hope you will enjoy them when you get to them!

  3. Oh dear I think my TBR pile is going to double today. The Waking Fire sounds amazing so does The Dark Side and Nightshades! I'm glad someone else is looking forward to Sarah Beth Durst's new series. I love her writing. Have you read Vessel? It's beautiful, I've got her Drink Slay Love book on my short TBR list so hoping to read that soon. Sounds hilarious.

    Happy Reading
    Rachel @

    1. Yeah, mine will be as well! I haven't read Durst before but I am certainly interested.

      Thanks for visiting!

  4. Yikes I haven't heard of any of these books... But they all have really beautiful and appealing covers! The cover of Nightshades is A+!!!

    Jenna @ Reading with Jenna

    1. Just some of these initially caught my attention due to the covers! :)

  5. Yesss I'm definitely looking forward to The Queen of Blood too!! *Shrieks happily* and I LOVE the sound of The Waking Fire. BECAUSE DRAGONS. *dashes for goodreads to add it*

  6. Underground Airlines sounds really cool - thanks for introducing me to it. And thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. Thanks for stopping by mine as well and sharing.

  7. Heroine Complex looks like fun! As do the WWII inspired stories. I will have to check them out!
    My list:

  8. I must admit, I don't know much about what's coming out the latter half of the year, so this post is great to see. I'm definitely intrigued by all of these titles! I DO know that I'll be buying Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo the MOMENT it is released! I cannot wait.

    1. I hope you like it - I still have to read the first book in the series!

  9. I stick to contemporary when it comes to Adult books but I have to admit Nightshades looks and sounds great.
    Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews

  10. I cannot wait for Heroine Complex, either! Great list :)

    My TTT.

  11. I plan on read Red Right Hand next month. You have a wonderful list here and I've seen several on lots of other lists. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Cool - I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

  12. I've only heard of the Sarah Beth Durst book. The cover reminds me a lot of Queen of the Tearling's covers. Looking into the rest of these!

  13. These are all new to me, but I want to read them all :) Ghost Talkers looks really interesting. I love historical fiction! Thanks for sharing!
    My TTT

    1. My tbr has grown so much today... :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  14. Heroine Complex seems so funny! Count me in with anything that has karaoke. :D Some of these covers are absolutely stunning! I especially love the one for Ghost Talkers! Here is my TTT!

    1. Same here! Yes, it looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Great list, I just now got mine up. :/

  16. I haven't heard of most of these, they all look good.

    1. Fingers crossed that they are as good as they sound!

  17. Wow! This is an awesome list. I love it when I don't recognize half of the options that are showcased--means more books to choose from. Yes!! I'm a huge fan of steampunk. Everfair by Nisi Shawl is so going on my TBR! Thanks, Lauren. =)

    1. And so many more to add to your tbr! :)

      I hope you end up liking it! Happy reading!

  18. These all sound incredibly amazing!! I'm adding many to my TBR, but the one that caught my eye the most was Underground Airlines! And that cover is so beautiful.
    Esther @Chapter Adventures

  19. Thanks for sharing your favorite science fiction and fantasy picks. I used to read nothing but this. Miss it.

  20. I havent heard of any of these! Heroine Complex and The Walking Fire sound right up my alley! Thanks for linking your post

  21. Ooo I hadn't heard of a lot of these books, great list! The Last Days of New Paris sounds so bizarre but intriguing, I'm definitely adding that one to my TBR. :)

  22. Such a fun list! I dont read alot of Sci Fi on my own, but my hubby does, so I am going to be sharing with him. Thanks! :)

  23. The Waking Fire looks amazing! Dragons, yes always!

    Also, the cover for Nightshades is just impressive. I would pick it up.

    1. Same here! :)

      Thanks for visiting my blog, Ashley!

  24. Ghost Talkers is on my list, as you know. The Queen of Blood looks really interesting, as do Heroine Complex and Everfair.

  25. I think that blurb is what sold me! :D


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