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Top Ten Tuesday: Best 2016 Reads Of Recent Releases

Happy Tuesday and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's theme is Best 2016 Releases So Far, but I haven't read enough 2016 releases to really do this theme justice so I'm going to focus on Best 2016 Reads Of Recent Releases (since 2013).  Here we go, in order of release date.  Each title is linked to my review.

Vicious (Vicious #1) by V.E. Schwab (September 24, 2013)

Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix (September 23, 2014)

Gideon (Lauren Reardon #1) by Alex Gordon (January 6, 2015)

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becki Albertali (April 7, 2015)

Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy (Amanda Lester, Detective #1) by Paula Berinstein (May 22, 2015)

Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1) by Rachel Caine (July 7, 2015)

Illuminae (The Illuminae Files #1) by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (October 20, 2015)

Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4) by Marissa Meyer (November 15, 2015)

The Dark Days Club (Lady Helen #1) by Alison Goodman (December 15, 2015)

Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1) by Cassandra Clare (March 8, 2016)

Have you read any of these recent releases?  If you haven't, I highly recommend all of them!  Thanks for visiting my blog - all comments are appreciated and I try to respond to everyone!


  1. What a great list, Lauren! I haven't read any on your list, but several are on my to read list. I plan to start the Lunar Chronicles this fall. The Dark Days Club is new to me, but it sure sounds good! And Rachel Caine's book is one I definitely want to get to at some point.

    Here's my Top Four Favorite Reads So Far This Year.

    1. The Lunar Chronicles is one of my all time favorite series! I hope you enjoy it and thanks for sharing!

  2. Fantastic list! :-) I adored Simon Vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda!

    1. Thanks! I don't often read much contemporary, but it was excellent!

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. Illuminae would probably have been on my list too if I had done one. Ink and Bone has me curious too as so many seem to love it.

    1. Ink and Bone deserves all the attention it has been getting! Thanks for stopping by, Greg!

  4. I read both Ink and Bone and Winter this year and enjoyed them. I still need to read Illuminae!

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

    1. Glad to hear that you liked them, too!

      Happy reading and thanks for sharing!

  5. I have read none of these!! I have most on my TBR though!!

  6. Lady Midnight has been on lots of lists today. I'm looking forward to Ink and Bone. My TTT

  7. Great list Lauren, I haven't read a single one of these but I've been meaning too! Definitely going to have to take notes and try to read these asap!

    Especially Ink and Bone and The Dark Days Club :)

    Happy Reading
    Rachel @ Paein-and-Ms4Tune

    1. I expect to be adding lots of new books to my tbr this week!

  8. Omg, it was truly difficult making this list over at Quest Reviews. I fully support your decision to broaden the list of ten books within a 6 month period to ten books within the last few years. I had to put books down that I wasn't totally in love with. In my opinion, yours makes for a much better list, because I know you loved all of these books you included.

    1. That is exactly how I started out... And then I was going to try to rank them. This was much simpler to put together. :)

      Thanks for visiting!

    2. Oh man... Yeah, I was going to rank mine at first...well, I considered it for all of a few seconds. But it was already ten at night, my brain was shot and I was like nope nope nope. I'm just going to throw out titles in no particular order!

    3. I don't think I could have ranked it as my favorites, by release date was much easier. :)

  9. I should've done the same as you, Lauren! I only had five books with my TTT this week. I haven't read Lady Midnight yet, but that's because I still need to finish TMI and TID. Great list Lauren! Here is my TTT!

    1. I hope you enjoy all of them! Thanks for sharing!

  10. I LOVED Lady Midnight and Winter! An amazing starter to a series and an amazing ender to a series. Illumine made my list this week too, as I just finished the book and found it incredible. I really wanna read Simon Vs. and hope to soon! I read about Horrostor a while ago and was intrigued, but completely forgot what the title was, so thank you for bringing that to my attention again! Great list :) Here's my Top Ten!

    Lillie @Little Lillie Reads

    1. I'm glad I could remind you!

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  11. I like your list. I had trouble with making one this week too.

    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. It's difficult when you haven't read many new releases. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Great list! Love Ink & Bone, can't wait for the sequel

    my TTT

    1. I'm reading the ARC of the sequel right now and I am loving it!

  13. I need to read almost all of these.

  14. I haven't read Vicious yet, but I've heard only good things about it, so I really have to get on that train. I'm glad you enjoyed Lady Midnight, Illuminae, and Simon - I think they were all five star reads for me! I haven't read Winter yet either (final book syndrome?) but I'm just scared it won't be everything I'm hoping for. It probably will, but my brain never listens to me haha. Great list, Lauren!

  15. I really enjoyed the Dark Days Club and can't wait for the sequel. I must commit to picking up Vicious because all I hear are wonderful things. Great list, Lauren!

    1. I'm dying for the sequel to both of them actually! Thanks for visiting, Alicia!

  16. YES TO ALL OF THESE. Vicious, Winter and Illuminae are some of my favorite books too, so I am so glad to see you loved them as much as I did. :) Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous choices! <3

    1. Yay!! I'm glad to hear that you liked them, too! Thanks for coming over, Zoe!

  17. I haven't read any of those book but I plan to read Simon vs. Homo Sapiens Agenda and Dark Days Club.
    I hope I'll manage to do it this summer.

  18. I loved Ink and Bone and Illuminae. I will check out the other titles you recommend :)

  19. Horrorstor!! I love that book. When I was reading it, it plays like a movie in my mind. I'm quite sure it's going to be good when adapted. Illuminae && The Dark Days Club are on my tbr :)

    1. I know! I've heard it's supposed to be adapted, too! I can't wait to see what they do with it!

  20. I can't wait until you do - I want to know what you think of her work! :)


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