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The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): The Awesome by Eva Darrows

Welcome to The Friday 56, a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice.

These are the rules:
1. Grab a book, any book.
2. Turn to page 56, or 56% on your eReader.
3. Find any sentence (or a few, just don't spoil it) that grabs you.
4. Post it.
5. Add the URL to your post in the link on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post.

I'm also taking part in Book Beginnings, a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader.  The rules are pretty simple - you share the first sentence or so and your initial thoughts, impressions, or whatever else it inspires.  Don't forget to link up your post's url with Rose City Reader.

This week I'm spotlighting my current read, The Awesome by Eva Darrows, which sounds like it will be a great combination of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural, two of my favorite shows.  What can I say aside from the fact that it sounds awesome?

Book Beginning:

I am not the asskicker people think of when they hear 'monster hunter,' but more on that later.

My name is Margaret Cunningham, though I prefer to go by Maggie because Margaret makes me feel like I'm four hundred years old, and screw that, I'm only seventeen.


She maintained her chatter all the way to my house, though, I can't tell you a single thing that was said.  I was way too preoccupied wrestling with my guilt.  Maybe I didn't screw up a lot in general and thus didn't have to deal with guilt, or maybe I'd become an expert at justifying whatever terrible thing I'd done at any given time, but the Ian situation bugged me.


  1. Sounds delightful! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. It is so far! Thanks for dropping by mine, too. :)

  2. This sounds great! I loved Buffy so I might have to give this a look-see. :)

  3. This sounds like such a fun way to spend a weekend. Enjoy!

  4. I am watching Supernatural reruns as I read this, so this is right up my alley.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  5. I like the author's voice in your excerpts. Even though I'm not a Buffy fan, this sounds like a book I'd enjoy.
    My Friday post features THE TIME IN BETWEEN.

  6. That book sounds awesome. The one thing that makes me sad is that there can't be a Buffy/Supernatural crossover episode, unless they reboot that series before Supernatural ends. (A day I will lament)

    My Friday: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  7. That is a scary cover.

    I wouldn't read it in except in the light of day. :)

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  8. Sounds interesting! I seriously need to watch Supernatural; it sounds awesome.

    I tagged you for a thing:

  9. Oh, I like your post...especially the picture of Dean! Here's mine

  10. I like Maggie's snark. Sounds like a decent read! Happy weekend!

  11. This cover looks creepy! But I love the attitude of Maggie. I've added this to my TBR.

    My Friday 56

    1. She has such a strong voice! I hope you'll enjoy it.

  12. I'm not a fan of the cover but I like the beginning and the 56. Here's my Friday post

    1. You get a good sense of the character in them. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Anything that is similar to Buffy is sure to be awesome! And as crazy as that cover is, I kind of love it. Happy weekend!

  14. I like the tone in the snippets displaying youthful communication. Maggie sounds like a fun and intense teenager on a mission. Hope you enjoyed the book. Happy weekend!

  15. That cover looks awesome :D love the Jensen gif btw ;)

    Our BB

  16. That's a great combination of shows. Sounds like a fun read!

    Here's my 56 -


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