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Come Back To The Swamp by Laura Morrison (ARC) - Review

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I received an eARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Bernice is doing invasive species research in Cleary Swamp for her graduate degree in ecology when she is confronted by a strange woman who claims to be the swamp. When Bernice uncovers that the old woman is a missing person named Rebecca Hallet who disappeared ages ago, she tries to get her some help. However, Rebecca has a supernatural connection to the swamp itself. The swamp knows that Rebecca's body isn't going to last much longer and it needs a new caretaker host, and it doesn't want to let Bernice go.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect from Laura Morrison's novella, but I'm glad I took the opportunity to try Come Back To The Swamp. Ecology isn't really my subject, but what we get of the science is quite readable either way. My favorite aspect of this story is easily Bernice herself. She's a fan of classic sci-fi, Lord of the Rings, and bluegrass music. I don't know about you, but she sounds like someone I'd want to make friends with. She's also very level-headed and isn't not willing to take whatever Rebecca/ the swamp says at face value. I appreciated that she does her best to put together the pieces behind what's going on with Rebecca and the swamp. Tonally, I also liked how this story comes across - it's very creepy and disconcerting - and how the tension builds up as the story is reaching the conclusion. Finally, I only have one complaint - the story is too short. I wish we got to see more of these characters and the swamp. There's so much more I want to see that we just get a taste of here.

Overall, Come Back To The Swamp by Laura Morrison comes with high praise from me. There are so many great things about this story from intriguing characters, great writing, and supernatural elements that leave you wanting more. If only this story was longer so we could stay with everyone for longer. I am definitely interested in trying more from this author in the future.

I read this ARC from April 8 - 9, 2018 and my review is also on GoodreadsCome Back To The Swamp by Laura Morrison will be released on August 7, 2018.


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