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Children of Daedala (Children of Icarus #2) by Caighlan Smith (ARC) - Review


I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

She's been stuck in the labyrinth for six months now and every moment has been a struggle, but her time there has made her stronger than ever. There are many more hidden horrors in the labyrinth. That means she'll have to turn to a "friend" and go against everything she knows if she wants freedom.

Children of Daedala by Caighlan Smith is the second book of the Children of Icarus series. When I was approved for this novel on NetGalley I had no idea that this was actually a sequel, but I figured it out and took the time to read book one. If I hadn't I expect I would have been very confused by many plot elements here. Unfortunately, I was not impressed to say the least with the first book in the series. Actually, Nameless, our main character, irritated the heck out of me. Luckily, I read it just shortly before I tackled this so the storyline was still fresh in my mind as there was no recap. In the end, though, I think I liked this sequel a bit more - and a good deal of that was because I wasn't actively angry at the lead. Plus, I'm already familiar with the author's style so that helped. Regardless, I still think the book could have been cut down in length by 50-100 pages in length because not all that much actually happens. We are also introduced to many new characters, and for me, most of them were nearly impossible to differentiate between since they all sounded the very much same. My biggest issue though is the fact that maybe only one question of my many, many questions actually gets answered. We also came away with a few more questions in this installment, if that's possible.

Children of Daedala by Caighlan Smith is the second book in the Children of Icarus series that drops you right into the middle of the story. Just to warn you, if you haven't picked up book one before this one you will definitely feel out of the loop - and the experience may be a bit rocky, especially your response to our mostly silent lead character. While I think I enjoyed this sequel a bit more than the first, there are still quite a few issues preventing me from enjoying the story more. I wish I could say that we got more answers. Unfortunately, I doubt that I'll be back for any future installments of this series.

Thanks anyway, NetGalley.

I read this ARC from  March 25 - 29, 2018 and my review is also on Goodreads.


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