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Opposite Book Tag

I have been tagged by Ellen @ Random Smiles to participate in the Opposite Book Tag.  Thanks Ellen!

First book in your collection / Last book you bought

The first that I can remember getting is Little Toot by Hardie Gramatky from a family member.

Most recently I picked up The Music of the Spheres by Elizabeth Redfern from my local Goodwill.

A cheap book / An expensive book

The first could be pretty much any paperback I've picked up at Goodwill - so how about Sound Bender by Lin Oliver and Theo Baker.  It would have been something like 53 cents...

A lot of my college textbooks could fit this category.  One of the most expensive was History of Japanese Art by Penelope Mason, it was nearly $100 but it was worth it!

A book with a male protagonist / A book with a female protagonist

The Eye of Minds by James Dashner (I prefer this to The Maze Runner, I believe.)

The Shadows by Jacqueline West - My most recent read.

A book you read fast / A book that took you long to read

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart - it took only a couple days.  This one really held my interest!

Bloom and Doom by Beverly Allen - it took about 16 days.  Good but not exactly my style.  

Pretty cover / Ugly cover

I love the cover of All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill!

As much as I loved Snow Crash by  Neal Stephenson, I was kind of disappointed by the audiobook cover.  If only it could have better reflected the awesomeness of the story and characters.

A national book / An international book

Hollow City by Ransom Riggs - the author is from Florida and he attended the same college as John Green which isn't too far from me.

Jeeves and the Wedding Bells by Sebastian Faulks - the author lives with his family in London

A thin book / A thick book

Journey by Aaron Becker - a fantastic 40 page wordless picture book.

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare - the final installment of The Mortal Instruments series clocked in at 725 pages.

Fiction book / Non-fiction book

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein 

The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom - both of these titles were pairs offered this past summer through YA SYNC.

Very (way too) romantic book / Action book

50 Shades of Grey by E. L. James - I'm also going with the same as Ellen. Do I need to explain why?

Duel for Cannons by Dane Hartman - I just randomly stumbled upon this Dirty Harry spin-off book series at a antique shop.  If this Dirty Harry book isn't action-packed, I don't know what is!

A book that made you happy / A book that made you sad

Cress by Marissa Meyer - Brilliant installment of The Lunar Chronicles!  Cress is such a great character!  Together with Thorne, the two really steal the show!

Mrs Hudson's Diaries: A View from the Landing of 221B by Barry and Bob Cryer - This book made me sad because it had so much potential, but it just fell flat.

If I tag you, I'll let you know.  Don't forget to link back to me, so I can see your responses!  [It's alright if you don't want to participate.]  If you want to participate even if you weren't tagged, feel free to join in the fun.

Tag, you're it:

Space Between the Spines
Emily Etc.
The Psychotic Nerd
A Book Paradise
Sabrina's Stories
A Flurry of Ponderings
Marie Loves Books


  1. I keep seeing Ransom Riggs's books around the book community. One of my friends is trying to get me to read the books. Any good?

  2. Thanks for tagging me Lauren, I've just posted my response now! (
    We Were Liars didn't take me long to read either. I usually find that with mysterious books, because I want to find out what happened!
    City of Heavenly Fire is a thick book - you could knock someone out with that thing.
    And you definitely do not need to explain why you chose Fifty Shades of Grey, lol!

    1. You're welcome and thanks for linking back to me. :)
      You could easily clobber someone with any of the TMI books! :) Thanks for not making me explain! ;)

  3. Thanks so much for tagging me!! I'll post mine soon! :)

    1. You're welcome! I'm looking forward to your responses!

  4. I'm looking forward to them. :)
    I'm glad you liked those powerful books.
    We Were Liars is pretty fantastic and I hope you enjoy it!


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