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Top Ten Tuesday: Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit

It's Tuesday and that means I'm taking part in the Broke and the Bookish hosted Top Ten Tuesday!  This week the theme is Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit.  For me this list will be pretty easy!  Here we go!

Hogwarts and the Wizarding World from the Harry Potter series

Middle-Earth from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit

Narnia from The Chronicles of Narnia

Wonderland from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Westeros from A Song of Ice and Fire

Le Cirque des Rêves from The Night Circus 

Ankh-Morpork from the Discworld novels

Thisby from The Scorpio Races

Cabeswater from The Raven Cycle

Cairnholm, Wales from the Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children books

Two close runners-up:

Eretz and Prague from the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series

Erilea from the Throne of Glass novels

I could go on and on with this list, but I'm going to make myself stop now.

So, what do you think of my list?  Do we share any locations?

Until next Tuesday!


  1. The night Circus is such a good pick. I can't believe I forgot that one. I want to go to the cloud tent so badly.

    1. It really sounds like an amazing place, doesn't it?

      Thanks for visiting! :)

  2. That's true! I probably wouldn't make it out alive either! :)
    Thanks for visiting!

  3. I'm so glad to find someone else who listed Cabeswater. I am dying to get my hands on the third book.

    1. Woo! I'm really surprised not that many people listed sounds fascinating. I can't wait to read the third installment. :)

  4. You're the first one I've seen to post Narnia! I was beginning to wonder where all the Narnia love had gone, lol.

    BTW, I saw Gone Girl over the weekend. =0 So cool! I posted a review, because I just HAD to, lol.

    Brittany @

    1. Really? I've seen quite a few with Narnia...

      Yay! I'm really glad you liked it - great review by the way. :)

  5. Oooh, The Night Circus! Of course! And wow, I can't believe I forgot Narnia.

    1. Le Cirque de Reves sounds fantastic, doesn't it? :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Ahh, take me to these places with you! I live in New Zealand, I get points for that, right? :)


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